Yuliana Kim-Grant Yuliana Kim-Grant

Finding The Strength to Survive Cancer and Help Others with Michelle Lepp

“Something about that moment was just like, the light shining on me like, 'Wait a minute, I am no longer a cancer patient, I can walk away from this, and made me be able to look back and acknowledge the experience and acknowledge, yes, there was definitely a chance of a different outcome.”

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Yuliana Kim-Grant Yuliana Kim-Grant

Expressing the Fullness of Who You Are with Kim Thai

“I don't want to be put into a box, I don't like want to have to restrain my identity in any way, whether it's my sexual identity, or my racial identity, my gender, whenever in order to fit a system that may or may not be able to really let me express the fullness of who I am.”

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